Q: I'm bored this week, I can make a different account and character and play around with it for a while, then go back to my other boring character?
A: Multiplaying is not allowed. If you suicide a PC, don't expect much for a next character. See below.
Q: If I get bored of this character, may I suicide and get another?
A: There are many options besides suicide. Consider a change of living place or vocation first, or perhaps you might rather just change your role play style slightly and break into something new. A change in friends and other factors might be just what you need to break out of a rut. If you are just absolutely bored or frustrated, instead of an OOC death, please email the account and let us know you want to retire. If you retire, make sure you do not leave other players in the lurch -- tie up the loose ends. And remember, we do not usually allow suicides any positions of importance for their next characters, particularly if they left a lot of matters unresolved, until they have played a while to establish dependability.​
Q: Who do I send email to if I have a game question?
A: Currently - evilonester@gmail.com
Q: How do I contribute to this game?
A: Check the discord or the forums.
Q: This guy asked me to go out in the woods with him to hunt and then he killed me. Is Player killing allowed?
A: Yes, any kill that is done in character is looked upon favorably. Going about killing everything in sight however is hard to define as playing in character. There are few persons that actually would do this in a real world so it is asked that any player killers have motives behind deaths, but always remember this is a collaborative storytelling game. Stories can fade quickly if everyone else is dead.
Q: I just died and I want revenge. How should I go about killing this person with my next character?
A: The answer is, you don't. Your new character is a completely different person from your previous one and must act as such, regardless of your personal feelings on the matter. To do otherwise is to act out of character.
Q: I really screwed up and player character guards are all over me, it's alright to go to an inn and log off there so they can't get me, right?
A: No. In the same manner that cops would not stop arresting you if you got a room at a motel, neither will PC guards stop if you log off at an inn. It is cheating those players and very twinkish to do so. The guards will petition the imm's constantly until the imm's reset your log on location to jail.
Q: I don't want to die against wolves to improve my fighting skills. How do I get better without dying or killing?
A: There are various places in the game where you can go with other players and simply spar. You use practice wooden weapons. There are many places to spar. Get into the role-playing and ask around.
Q: Is it considered socially acceptable to put pineapple on pizza?
A: No! Pineapple does not belong on pizza.
Q: I'm bored this week, I can make a different account and character and play around with it for a while, then go back to my other boring character?
A: Multiplaying is not allowed. If you suicide a PC, don't expect much for a next character. See below.
Q: If I get bored of this character, may I suicide and get another?
A: There are many options besides suicide. Consider a change of living place or vocation first, or perhaps you might rather just change your role play style slightly and break into something new. A change in friends and other factors might be just what you need to break out of a rut. If you are just absolutely bored or frustrated, instead of an OOC death, please email the account and let us know you want to retire. If you retire, make sure you do not leave other players in the lurch -- tie up the loose ends. And remember, we do not usually allow suicides any positions of importance for their next characters, particularly if they left a lot of matters unresolved, until they have played a while to establish dependability.​
Q: Who do I send email to if I have a game question?
A: Currently - evilonester@gmail.com
Q: How do I contribute to this game?
A: Check the discord or the forums.
Q: This guy asked me to go out in the woods with him to hunt and then he killed me. Is Player killing allowed?
A: Yes, any kill that is done in character is looked upon favorably. Going about killing everything in sight however is hard to define as playing in character. There are few persons that actually would do this in a real world so it is asked that any player killers have motives behind deaths, but always remember this is a collaborative storytelling game. Stories can fade quickly if everyone else is dead.
Q: I just died and I want revenge. How should I go about killing this person with my next character?
A: The answer is, you don't. Your new character is a completely different person from your previous one and must act as such, regardless of your personal feelings on the matter. To do otherwise is to act out of character.
Q: I really screwed up and player character guards are all over me, it's alright to go to an inn and log off there so they can't get me, right?
A: No. In the same manner that cops would not stop arresting you if you got a room at a motel, neither will PC guards stop if you log off at an inn. It is cheating those players and very twinkish to do so. The guards will petition the imm's constantly until the imm's reset your log on location to jail.
Q: I don't want to die against wolves to improve my fighting skills. How do I get better without dying or killing?
A: There are various places in the game where you can go with other players and simply spar. You use practice wooden weapons. There are many places to spar. Get into the role-playing and ask around.
Q: Is it considered socially acceptable to put pineapple on pizza?
A: No! Pineapple does not belong on pizza.